Update to Version 2.132

  • On 19/02/2017 at 17:39
  • In Update
Changelog 2.132

Dear Community,

On Wednesday February 22nd, Grepolis will be updated to version 2.132. As always there will be a short downtime while the update is applied. 

  • We are still in the process of preparing the first changes of the planned Island Quest rework. If you missed our DevBlog article on this topic, you can stay informed and voice your opinions here. Beta testing for the first changes will also become available shortly, so stay tuned!
  • With this update, we enabled the use of town IDs in the attack planner and adjusted the layout of dropdown-menus using auto-completion.
  • Additionally we adjusted some texts for more clarity and of course also fixed bugs along the way. Read on to learn about all changes in more detail:
New Features and Changes
  • Town IDs can now be used to select towns in the Attack Planner (premium feature)
    • Previously you could only target town names in the Attack Planner - making it difficult to select the right destination if several players chose the same town name.
    • You may now use either the town name or town ID to identify the town you would like to plan attacks for. 

  • Resource storage texts were adjusted for more clarity
    • The game previously displayed that the warehouse would be full at a certain time in the future. However, this information was based on the current resource production while requesting the data. Running effects, for instance, could expire before stated date was reached.
    • The texts were adjusted to indicate that your storage will run out of capacity earliest at a certain date - or later if your stored amount of resources or resource production change in the meantime.
  • Dropdown menus in fields with auto-completion functionality were adjusted to match the style of Grepolis better.

  • Attack preparation - Corrected the warning displayed when trying to send heroes by themselves to attack on other islands. It now properly reflects that ships or flying units are required in order to send them on their way.
  • Alliance forum - Locked threads are now properly marked as read when choosing to set the whole forum section to read status.
  • Color assignments - Players without an alliance can now set custom colors for alliances without losing the color assignments just seconds after.
  • Conquest/Revolt - Some adjustments were made to ensure that processing delays have less of an impact on starting times of conquests and revolts. Consequently both actions should end as described in the respective reports.
  • Favor - Reduced favor production triggered as negative effect of an Island Quest now only affects the town the quest was started from, not the global favor production for the respective god.
  • Hall of Fame - Fixed an error that could cause Hall of Fame and award data to be inconsistent, consequently leading to errors in the alliance rankings within the Hall of Fame.

We hope you enjoy the update and would love to hear any feedback you have here

Best regards,

source: forum grepolis

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